though (one is) only a beginner 意味

  • though (one is) only a beginner


        though only gradually:    少しずつではあるが
        beginner:     beginner n. 初学者, 初心者. 【動詞+】 a few hints to aid beginners 初心者の参考になる 2, 3 の注意 break in a beginner 初心者の手ほどきをする There are several points that tend to puzzle beginners. 初心者を迷わせそうな点がい
        though one tells oneself that:    (that 以下)と言いながら
        young though one is:    年は若いけれども
        as though one had something to hide:    隠し事でもあるかのように
        even though it is by one's own choice:    それが自分自身{じぶん じしん}の選択{せんたく}であるにもかかわらず
        nod as though one has understood:    いかにも分かったように相槌{あいづち}を打つ
        though one's memory is a bit hazy:    記憶がはっきりしないが
        one and only:    one and only 唯一無二 ゆいいつむに
        only one:    only one 一点 いってん オンリーワン
        only one for:    《the ~》(人)にとって唯一無二{ゆいいつ むに}の大切{たいせつ}な存在{そんざい}、(人)がいちずにほれている人 You are the only one for me. 私はあなた一筋よ。/ぼくにはきみしかいないんだ。/あなたのことだけを見ています。
        as though:    as though 言わんばかり いわんばかり 丸で まるで
        not as though:    ~な訳でもあるまいし It is not as if [though] you are going to be a burden staying with us. あなたが我々の家に泊まることが負担になる訳でもあるまいし
        though:    though くせに 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい つつ 乍 ながら
        one and only one:    唯一{ゆいいつ}の


  1. "thou art the man" 意味
  2. "thou shalt eat thy bread in the sweat of thy brow" 意味
  3. "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" 意味
  4. "thouars" 意味
  5. "though" 意味
  6. "though a little late" 意味
  7. "though a little too late" 意味
  8. "though age has clouded his memory" 意味
  9. "though all of them may not be included" 意味
  10. "thouars" 意味
  11. "though" 意味
  12. "though a little late" 意味
  13. "though a little too late" 意味

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